The aviation industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) offers an alternative to conventional jet fuel that can significantly reduce emissions by up to 94%. SAF blending mandate for jet fuels is a key component in curtailing carbon emissions from aviation.
Decarbonizing jet fuels

Our solution to SAF feedstock:


Biogenic carbon dioxide collected from a point source serves as a feedstock to our technology.
Our technology operates by any source of electricity. It is compatible with intermittent energy sources such as solar and wind to level off-peak production.
Low temperature electrolysis (LTE) is the heart of our technology. Some products can be used as such, and some serve as feedstock to chemical industries. Read more.
Our pilot plant will produce carbon monoxide (CO) for utilization as feedstock in the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) through Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
LTE ecosystem
Low temperature electrolysis solutions can be integrated into existing infrastructures to facilitate the transition from fossils to renewables. This sustainable production process utilizes circular economy principles to create valuable side-stream businesses by producing e-fuel feedstocks or direct-use e-fuels from CO₂.
To achieve this mandate, 2.3 million tonnes of SAF would be required by 2030. Approximately 14.8 million tonnes of SAF would be required by 2040, and 28.6 million tonnes by 2050.
Today SAF is made from renewable sources like electrolysis and biomass. The growing demand and blending mandates for SAF are pushing the sector towards rapid expansion and finding alternative technologies to scale up production.
Low temperature electrolysis technology (LTE) can be integrated into existing SAF infrastructures and enable price parity in comparison with fossil fuels.
Liquid Sun produced carbon monoxide (CO) can be used as feedstock for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) or other Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO). To meet only the current aviation fuel consumption, we will need 600 Mt CO per year. This corresponds to 400 GW CO2 electrolyzer power.

Get in touch!
We are partnering with investors, industry experts, talents, and brands who share our ambition and values.
If you want to join our journey to replace fossils with a sustainable and economically viable alternative, let’s be in contact.
For inquiries and cooperation, please contact Pasi Keinänen (CEO), pasi@liquidsun.fi, +358 40 4404355